translating the best of WEST 
africa‘s food
Growing up in 1960s Lagos, I was surrounded by the buzz of a newly independent country wrestling to carve an identity free of colonial rule. Much has changed in the last half-century, but one question has stayed with me: 'What if?' What if West Africa's food could be understood beyond the region? What if it took inspiration from the world? After a health scare, I found my answer in food. I am on a mission to translate West Africa's culinary voice using three pillars: 1. Health, 2. Adventure, and 3. Approachability. This is why we began with a healthier jollof sauce featuring novel variations. We must go one step deeper and two steps wider than any other has gone before. It's what we owe each other.
Africa is the earth's fastest-growing continent, expected to grow from 1.2 billion people today to over 1.8 billion by 2035; a 50% increase. Though Africa's arts and economies have experienced double-digit increases in the past decade, the potential of its food remains untapped. At Auntie Pat's, we believe food plays an active role in the understanding of West African culture. Together with my children, we search for the best ingredients available locally to create a living library of imaginative West African cuisine for the world, and most importantly, for each other.
Long term ecological responsibility
The rate of CO₂ increase in the last 300 years is greater than the past 5 billon years on Earth. As CO₂ emissions climb so too does the warming of the only habitable planet in the known universe. We believe climate change is the most pressing issue of our time and the opportunity to make a difference shrinks each day. Wherever possible we source local ingredients and contribute 1% of sales towards fighting climate change and removing CO₂ from the atmosphere.